Game Design Game projects Level Design Narrative Design Student projects

Game Trap – Gamagora


I worked on the Game Trap project as a Level Designer and a Writer.

Luuma, the heroine

GameTrap is a game in which you play Luuma, the only person who can free her own people trapped in the world of Kaltulah, the god of games. But sometimes the playful god is merciful. This time, he will allow you, who still believe in him, to enter his world and try to rescue them. It is a dangerous world full of traps though, and you will have to think hard if you want to stay alive.

Game level's background
The world of Kaltulah is not really welcoming.

Game Trap is a 2D platform/puzzle game for Android directed by Indiana Busseuil and developped by a little team of fourteen French students from Gamagora, Lyon. The particularity of this game is that there are two ways you can progress inside a level : when you stand near an altar of your god, you can pray to him to open easy ways leading you to the end of the level ; or you can chose to turn the level over, in order to walk on the walls or the ceiling, by turning your tablet itself over. But when you do so, you will cause your god’s wrath, making him set up many traps on your way – but this is also your only way to entirely complete the game and fully restore your people.

You can check out Game Trap website here!

Game projects Level Design Student projects

Antic Ruin – Gamagora

This is my very first map created with UDK. It’s a project for Gamagora, a videogame school settled in Lyon, France. The rule was to create from nothing a complete “3vs3 Capture the Flag” map with UDK. We had three weeks.AnticRuins3

You can play Antic Ruins on 3vs3 to 5vs5, though I recommend the last option. I wanted something a bit spectacular, which would force the player to raise their head from time to time – but maybe it became a little too big for a 3vs3 map.

If you have UDK game, you can download the files here ! Either way, you can download UDK there.


Trailer Antic Ruins – Music from Vavle’s game Portal 2 : “Reconstructing More Science”.